
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Morning Mass: Core Focus

Hey guys,
Happy Wednesday, I hope that
all is well. Thanks for joining
me for another gathering of
Morning Mass: Core Focus.

First please get your 2 glasses
of water down and take your
multi vitamin, calcium and
fish oil so you will not forget.

Do some light stretching to
get yourself warmed up and
we'll get right to it.

Crunches, sit-ups and plancks.

This set is to be performed
a total of 5 times.

Get a nice big protein rich
breakfast after.

If there are any questions 
please don't hesitate to
ask. Do what you can, be 
proud of the fact that you
are doing something!

Hope you'll joking me next
Friday for we will be doing
lower body/legs. My wish is
that you have an amazing
day today.


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Would love to know what you think! Thank You!