Hey everyone, Thanks for stopping by.
Hope everyone enjoyed last night's WWE Vengeance ppv?!
I know that I did, as I sit here writing the cold weather has certainly
arrived here in Brockton,MA on the last week of October, Halloween
is only seven days away! So here is what I felt were the highlights of last
nights show!
MVP.. Dolph Ziggler!

Dolph Zigglers work last night was top notch, in not only in a tag team
match but also in defending his U.S title against Zack Ryder.
His tag match just ended as Ryders music hit, and we were in for
treat.. I think Ryder is great, love how he has essentially made a
spot for himself on tv and he's using his time well. But this match belonged
to Ziggler. He definitely was setting the pace and the tempo all the while
making Ryder look good in the process. I'm sure tonite on RAW we may
see a rematch between the two as Ziggler won the match with the help of
his new stable mate Jack Swagger. Ziggler finished Ryder off with a smoking
hot super kick!
I got that feeling that I was watching someone that's going to be a HUGE star
sooner than later. That feeling you get that something special is going on. I would
like to see him in the Heavyweight title mix. Having matches with Ziggler and
CM Punk in the Main Event would do huge ratings and get lots of heat behind it!
Keep your eye on this guy as his star is on the rise!

Another highlight of the Vengeance PPV was the match between Eve Torres and
Beth Phoenix for the Divas Championship. This was a really great hard hitting match
between to women wrestlers! I don't like the models/bimbos turned wrestlers and
there were none to be found, Thank God! You actually got a sense that Eve was
giving her to win Beth's belt from her. The match was very aggressive with Eve even
at one point cheating if you will with tying Beth's ring attire to the ropes. Another
highlight of the math was Eve's flying reverse triangle submission hold onto the Glamazon.
Even the horrible three man announce team was impressed with the move. Beth
Phoenix muscled her way to the win however. This match was just as good as any
other on the card!
I will speak briefly on the tag match pairing CM Punk and HHH against the Awesome Truth.
Punk and HHH were tagging like they have been a duo for a long time, great stuff.
And with Punk flying around the ring like he was in ROH is exceptional. Punk vs Miz
is a great must see as their one on one match on RAW last week was great. As I said earlier
I want to see guys like Punk, Del Rio, The Miz and Ziggler in the main event picture.
The other was the surprise run in by Kevin Nash by not only costing HHH and Punk their
match but also the very ugly JackKnive Powerbomb dropping HHH on his head. Very
cringing to look at especially with the slo mo replay. Hoping this didn't leave a big injury
for HHH.

The show stealer of the night I felt belonged to Mark Henry defending his World
Heavyweight Championship against The Big Show. Mark Henry has been on fire
for awhile now, and after winning the title belt he has just gone on another whole
other level. His interviews are bold and his work in the ring is strong. I think he has
brought a very real legitimacy to the Heavyweight belt that has been missing for
a very long time.
These two went at each other like battering rams from moment the bell rang
to begin the match. At one point Henry slowed things down with a massive
bodyslam to the Big Show. How many people have seen slam big show? Henry
did this very easily! After that Henry started targeting Show's injured leg with
a running chop block. Both men were acting like they had something to prove.
Each applying their finishers to each other with both men getting up before
the three count. Mark Henry was in disbelief with a what more can I do to
keep this man down?!
The game ender was on it's way.
The Big Show went to the top rope, but Henry ran to give him a superplex
off the ropes. Upon impact the whole ring collapsed to the ground! This has
happened once before but was still awe inspiring to see. The look on the crowds
face was priceless. As you can imagine Emergency personnel was brought out.
Big Show was actually motorized out back. Mark Henry though would refuse
upper management advice for help to the back. Screaming that " I don't need
your help!" "I'm the Champion!" That to me was just plain Awesome! I believe
that Mark Henry's run as the World Heavyweight Champion is going to be
a very long one!
Those are MY highlights as I saw them on Vengeance. Did I leave something out?
Do you agree or disagree? Let me know by leaving a comment in the comment
section below the article. I would love to hear from you guys!
You can follow me for all the action on twitter @ironbound36 for ongoing tweets
as the shows air live.
I want to Thank You again for stopping by...
Living out Louder
Dave Vargas
Hope everyone enjoyed last night's WWE Vengeance ppv?!
I know that I did, as I sit here writing the cold weather has certainly
arrived here in Brockton,MA on the last week of October, Halloween
is only seven days away! So here is what I felt were the highlights of last
nights show!
MVP.. Dolph Ziggler!

Dolph Zigglers work last night was top notch, in not only in a tag team
match but also in defending his U.S title against Zack Ryder.
His tag match just ended as Ryders music hit, and we were in for
treat.. I think Ryder is great, love how he has essentially made a
spot for himself on tv and he's using his time well. But this match belonged
to Ziggler. He definitely was setting the pace and the tempo all the while
making Ryder look good in the process. I'm sure tonite on RAW we may
see a rematch between the two as Ziggler won the match with the help of
his new stable mate Jack Swagger. Ziggler finished Ryder off with a smoking
hot super kick!
I got that feeling that I was watching someone that's going to be a HUGE star
sooner than later. That feeling you get that something special is going on. I would
like to see him in the Heavyweight title mix. Having matches with Ziggler and
CM Punk in the Main Event would do huge ratings and get lots of heat behind it!
Keep your eye on this guy as his star is on the rise!

Another highlight of the Vengeance PPV was the match between Eve Torres and
Beth Phoenix for the Divas Championship. This was a really great hard hitting match
between to women wrestlers! I don't like the models/bimbos turned wrestlers and
there were none to be found, Thank God! You actually got a sense that Eve was
giving her to win Beth's belt from her. The match was very aggressive with Eve even
at one point cheating if you will with tying Beth's ring attire to the ropes. Another
highlight of the math was Eve's flying reverse triangle submission hold onto the Glamazon.
Even the horrible three man announce team was impressed with the move. Beth
Phoenix muscled her way to the win however. This match was just as good as any
other on the card!
I will speak briefly on the tag match pairing CM Punk and HHH against the Awesome Truth.
Punk and HHH were tagging like they have been a duo for a long time, great stuff.
And with Punk flying around the ring like he was in ROH is exceptional. Punk vs Miz
is a great must see as their one on one match on RAW last week was great. As I said earlier
I want to see guys like Punk, Del Rio, The Miz and Ziggler in the main event picture.
The other was the surprise run in by Kevin Nash by not only costing HHH and Punk their
match but also the very ugly JackKnive Powerbomb dropping HHH on his head. Very
cringing to look at especially with the slo mo replay. Hoping this didn't leave a big injury
for HHH.

The show stealer of the night I felt belonged to Mark Henry defending his World
Heavyweight Championship against The Big Show. Mark Henry has been on fire
for awhile now, and after winning the title belt he has just gone on another whole
other level. His interviews are bold and his work in the ring is strong. I think he has
brought a very real legitimacy to the Heavyweight belt that has been missing for
a very long time.
These two went at each other like battering rams from moment the bell rang
to begin the match. At one point Henry slowed things down with a massive
bodyslam to the Big Show. How many people have seen slam big show? Henry
did this very easily! After that Henry started targeting Show's injured leg with
a running chop block. Both men were acting like they had something to prove.
Each applying their finishers to each other with both men getting up before
the three count. Mark Henry was in disbelief with a what more can I do to
keep this man down?!
The game ender was on it's way.
The Big Show went to the top rope, but Henry ran to give him a superplex
off the ropes. Upon impact the whole ring collapsed to the ground! This has
happened once before but was still awe inspiring to see. The look on the crowds
face was priceless. As you can imagine Emergency personnel was brought out.
Big Show was actually motorized out back. Mark Henry though would refuse
upper management advice for help to the back. Screaming that " I don't need
your help!" "I'm the Champion!" That to me was just plain Awesome! I believe
that Mark Henry's run as the World Heavyweight Champion is going to be
a very long one!
Those are MY highlights as I saw them on Vengeance. Did I leave something out?
Do you agree or disagree? Let me know by leaving a comment in the comment
section below the article. I would love to hear from you guys!
You can follow me for all the action on twitter @ironbound36 for ongoing tweets
as the shows air live.
I want to Thank You again for stopping by...
Living out Louder
Dave Vargas
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