
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forgiving Yourself?


We have always heard about forgiving others, but have you given yourself the same gesture? 

This is one of many traits we do to find inner peace and to move forward and it's time to 

give yourself the same peace that we give to others. We are going to touch upon two ways 

that we can achieve this. These are powerful tools so act upon them as fast as you can!

1. Things you have done. Forgiving yourself for things that you have done in the past.

This IS the past and the only thing that we gain is better judgement which equals experience.

No longer shall we emotionally beat ourselves up over things that we have done to our selves

such as maybe "why didn't I stick to my diet" or " I should have made time for my loved ones!"

Yes we should only eat the things that actually nourish our bodies and not whittle away our

precious time where it can be forging a greater bond for the ones we love, but what's done is 

done. We will now see what we can do today in this moment and not hold ourselves back 

any longer. Guilt is a very heavy bag of bricks, just watch the amazing things that will happen

when we just decide to just let go!!

2. Things you have not done. Forgiving yourself for the things you have done may be the 

hardest to do but is essential to moving forward. Again , "why did I eat those donuts?"

"Why did I give up on my exercise routine?" We all have these and many questions of self 

damnation that we ask ourselves daily.  Stop the torture and learn from it! These questions

are an indication that we do not like the outcomes we have been getting and we can change.

Taking massive action each day gives us more strength and resolve. Start today or the first 

thing tomorrow morning!!

Take these thoughts and steps and use them to allow yourself  to move forward.

Each day is a gift, a new beginning to build the identity and future that you want. Every morning is a blank

 check, how much are you going to write yours out for?  

Living out Louder

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