
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Turn it Up!

      Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you may
be! Thank you for stopping by today and I hope this finds you in good spirits! I want to share with you today a quick review on our
90 Day Challenge as it is coming to a close with about a week left to go! If your not familiar with it see our previous post on the Living out Louder 90 Day Challenge.

    My weigh in on Monday came in at 190lbs which I was elated as
I started this transformation weighing at 225lbs. So the body fat is now melting off and I have at an estimated 12-15lbs of body fat more to burn off! As the picture above suggests Life is a Stereo
Turn it up to 10. That's something I truly believe in. And as you all know I am a big sucker for quotes!

     A great way to Turn it up is by working! Yes, working on your goals whatever they may be. Whether it's on your own transformation which by the way the next 90 Day Challenege starts
on August 1st! But yes working on your goals, the only way to get any sort of confidence in ANY area is by getting some sort of success. And to get some success is by working. Cultivate a No Quit attitude and your percieved denials will will only be delays!
That is the cornerstone of anyone that has acheived anything and that is by working at their goals and not quiting. When I was first learning the guitar I remembered a great quote from icon Jeff Beck and he stated that I really fell in Love with the guitar when it started talking back to me! That has stayed with me, I whought Wow  how true is that, so yes at first something may yeild no results but with action taken consistently y6our goals will start talking back to you!

      So it's a compound effect going on the more results that you see, the more confidence you have to continue down the path that you are travelling. Don't give up, I promise with a committed attitude you will see results. So turn it up to 10 and don't look back
a stronger you mentally and physically is waiting just around the corner!

      I want to thank you for stopping by today. I do hope that this may have helped you on your journey! Has there been any examples in your life that you have wanted to quit but didn't and chose to turn it up? Please share in the comments below with the rest of us here so we may all learn and get inspired! Always remember to keep....
Living out Louder

1 comment:

  1. Any success is so much better than no success at all. You are right in that it takes work - but if you are doing the right thing for yourself then it won't be too much work at all. Thanks for your post!



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