
Friday, February 22, 2013

I, Magnetize

Good Morning, Afternoon or Good
Evening wherever you may be. I do
want to thank you for stopping by
here today to read our new post we
have for you. I do hope that it finds
you in good spirits.

I received an amazing gift not too
long ago over the holiday season. I
was very pleased to have been given
the movie "The Secret" and viewing
it has opened up my mind further to
the beliefs that I already held dear
to me but on a much grander scale.

In essence, what Living out Louder
stands for. Amplifying everything
that is in each and every one of us.

That everything starts with a thought
and what we focus on the most will
come back to us.

Our behavior will reflect this and
also what we attract back.

Have you ever said to yourself when
you were on your way to work that
"I'm not going to be late" and yet
you have managed to hit every light
and obstacle possible. 

Better yet you prepared for a speech
or an interview. You were absolutely
driven in a belief that you will ace
the speech, get the job following the
interview. You envisioned every little
aspect of what you would be doing as
if you were there. You owned all that
was before you. Passionately glowing
the entire time.

Thoughts become things.

Simple, yet powerful.

I am so much more aware of what my
thoughts are throughout the day now.
About myself and of the world that is
around me. 

There is so much more love and joy
to experience but if our vibrations
are not giving out the right energy
we will only receive those negative
waves back.

We are essentially magnets.

The Law of Attraction is always at
work whether we  understand it or
not. Thoughts, action and a lot of

I for one want to continue to stay
open and share in a deeper love
of life that I have for it.

Delays are not Denials
Demolish the Doubt

Remember to keep....

Living out Louder

1 comment:

  1. I am very happy to see that you enjoyed 'The Secret'. It brings about a powerful message. I personally watch it when I begin to feel a negativity arise. I recommend it to everyone.


Would love to know what you think! Thank You!