
Monday, July 1, 2013

The Power of Love

The Power of Love

Have you asked yourself, "Why is everything
going so wrong?" "Why is this happening to me?"
"Why can I not catch a break?" "Will I ever have
a happy ending?" 

I can answer that but it may be very hard for
you to swallow.


You are the sole reason for all that has happened
and has continued to happen.


Not only have you become them but you have
attracted it into your life!

The law of attraction is really the law of love.
The power of love.

When you focus on the negative aspects of
what is and could happen, you are thinking
and talking with a lack of love.

If you focus on what you don't want, if you focus
on the negative you are inviting it into your life.

Thoughts and actions are a boomerang and
in it's own way comes right back to you,

Thinking, talking and behaving with a lack of
love brings back nothing but a lack of love.

What we SOW we will REAP.
What we GIVE we will GET.

Isn't that good news though?

Energy attracts like energy and all that we are and
all that is around us is nothing more but vibrations.

The vibrations that you give out into the ether, out
into the cosmos, the universe will always give back
to you.

Nothing new can come into your life until you are
grateful for what you already have,

Instead of sharing your problems start in sharing
your joys. Instead of focusing on lack, focus on
what you do have. Fill your mind with what and
who you love. The way you talk changes, the way
that you behave changes. The magnetic field that
is around you is glowing, is emanating the absolute
glorious power of love.

What you think has a tremendous impact on your
body's biochemistry. When you allow yourself to
think of the negative your body tightens, with the
stress, your cortisol level rises which will store fat,
your energy level decreases. Not only lethargic,
the anxiety, panic and depression creeps in. 

Coincidentally the effects are incredible on the
body when you are in a state of gratefulness.
When your thoughts look to the possibilities of
every situation even your posture is more erect.
The act of smiling to a stranger or of a favorite
memory or even of something you are looking
forward to, all the feel good chemicals are then
released. In fact, with exercise other chemicals
such as endorphins are released which help
in depression, anxiety, sleep and sexual activity.
Cultivating a grateful positive attitude is actually
harnessing the secret, the power of love

It stands to reason what you choose to put out
into the world doesn't it? Choosing the power
of love will bring light to every dark crevice and
heal the deepest of wounds. It's warmth, it's
hot fiery passion will melt away the coldest of

We have a choice every day.

We have a choice to not live in randomness
but to live with passion.

I know that you have been hurt. I know that you have
faced disappointment, I know that traumas are never
easy to reconcile with.

Instead of drifting and floating along we can direct
our thoughts and actions and harvest the incredible
power of love.

Find that bravery in your heart once more. Allow the
passion to flow freely, ignite that fire that is within you
again and share it's bright glory with the world.

The world needs one more beacon, one more conduit
of positive energy and most of all you need it.

Get rid of the thoughts and actions that no longer
serve you in anyway. Eliminate the people that are
in your life that only want something from you. You
know who they because they only take and ask to
fill their's and their needs alone. Life is about giving,
life is about adding value to those that we meet. To
leave them with increase.

To show our family the power of love.

At the end of the day, family is all that matters.

Remember to keep.......

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