
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Month of Wishes.

Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you
may be. I do hope this finds you in good spirits. I also
want to say Happy December 1st! Typically a month full
of celebration and of wishes.

Here at Living out Louder and also in the group that
+julie  Rogers and I are running on Facebook that is
a personal development / spirituality that is appropriately
called Lighthouse Legionnaires. 

2016 is right around the corner and we're going to get a
head start in crafting what we want to experience in the
year ahead.

In doing so we need to know what we want. Do you know
what you really want? Sit down with no distractions and
write out what you want in the year ahead. 

While you're doing that it is of the utmost importance that
you do not list what it is that you DON"T want. What we 
want to focus on is the people, experiences and events we
want to see in the coming year.

What is also just as equally as important is when you are
ASKING do not, I repeat DO NOT put any limit to what
you are asking for. What would you ask for if nothing was
impossible ( btw impossible is misspelled it's I'm possible)
You may find it silly or that it can't happen but when you
were a child writing a list for Santa you would write and
write and write till you couldn't write anymore. Place no
limits on what to ask of the universe.

Also another great event we have planned is we're going to
craft Vision Boards and Julie and I are going to show you
how you can make yours! This is a powerful tool to aid in
your life creation, your life by design.

We're in the first week of this supergroup and I can't even
begin to tell you the amount of positive energy that is going
on. It is contagious! I'm just blown away by it all.

More to come but I want to wish you all a Happy December!

Oh and if you want in on this group that we're running
just drop me a request in the comments below.

Thanks again for stopping by here today.

Always remember to keep..........
Living out Louder 

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