
Saturday, October 8, 2011

5 Quick tips on packing on Mass FAST!!! (Health & Fitness)

Welcome everyone, glad you stopped by...
I want to point out to everyone that as this blog is new and will continually be evolving there are many different topics that will be discussed, a particular article will always have the subject matter in the heading.

Now on to the article!

I'm often hearing people wanting a fast way of muscle building and in this day and age of " I want
it now!" this is no different. Bear in mind though nothing is overnight. Health & Fitness is one my favorite
topics, as I find the Human body one of the most fascinating and often overlooked subjects of all!
So with that said there are very effective ways to add on the Mass Fast! Here are 5 quick tips!

1. GOALS, You need to have a plan set in motion, a goal to work towards and a time frame to meet by.
You can have only one! You cannot lose tons of body-fat AND gain alot of mass at the same time.
Pick what you GOAL you want and aim for it with laser like focus! Also keep a journal as you need to
outdo yourself at each and every session, whether more reps or weight..and you'll also find out which is working and not working for you.

2. WATER, yes drinks lots of water another often overlooked but very simple thing to get big!
Did you know the body is made up of about 70% water? The great thing as it's zero calories too!!

You will have a much more fuller and well hydrated muscle! Drink up!!

3. NUTRITION. You cannot think you will get big by hitting the gym hard, just ripping your
body down and not feeding it what it craves to repair itself i.e to get big! Eating a protein rich clean 
eating schedule every 2-3 hours is ideal. In between each meal have a nice protein shake!

4. SUPPLEMENTS. When the body needs it's essential vitamins, minerals and proteins just to operate
on a daily basis, never mind hitting it hard in the gym, can you ask yourself a very simple question,
"Am I eating enough meals in the day to get all my vitamins?" Probably not, and it's almost impossible
to do so without supplementation. Start by taking a multi vitamin every day. This is crucial to boosting your
mood, focus, metabolism and every other system in your body!

5. TRAIN LEGS! Lots of people in gyms often overlook training their legs in favor of working on
the muscles they can see in the mirror, as in their arms or chest..but usually have tooth pick legs.
You are missing the boat as there are millions of Growth Hormone cells trapped in the legs waiting
to be trained so as to burn fat and build muscle. Watch at how much bigger the whole body will
get as soon as you start focusing on your legs!!!!

This concludes my 5 Quick tips for packing on Mass FAST! Hope you enjoyed the article..
Your comments on any of this is very welcomed!

Living out Louder
Dave Vargas

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