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These thoughts all started with my dislike of Michael Cole, the current main voice for WWE broadcasting.
Now I know how many of you must feel about his time as a commentator, and I would probably agree with you...okay not probably, I would!
Another thing we could probably agree on with is the golden age of wrestling announce teams. Where we had
the Color commentator and the play by play guy. We had the Color guy (Heel) and the Play by Play guy (babyface) playing not only off of each other but giving us commentary of the match we are seeing. They would make even the most terrible train wrecks of a match seem as an epic battle worthy of the history books.
Great commentary teams of the past would include McMahon / The Body, Heyman / J.R (which was way too brief) J.R / King (only the very early years) and the best announce team in my opinion was that of Gorrila Monsoon and the best manager Bobby the Brain Heenan. Now please don't get me wrong with not including good ol JR's name as part of the Best All Time announce team.
He IS and will always be the BEST commentator. But as this article states this is about Announce teams!!
He just hasn't found his long time match! Some may argue that would be Jerry the King Lawler and he was doing a great job but as years gone on and maybe a bit too comfortable he veered away from doing the Heel Shtick. Well I don't want everyone being nicey nice to each other I want conflict...tell me about the match going on, sell me WHY this is the greatest match of all time! Not interested in King's colorful description of the hot diva in front of him. I thought all was lost.
Enter the Savior..... Micheal Cole.
His turn as heel has given to new life to the broadcast team. The feud with Lawler was one of the reasons to watch for many months. I was almost sorry when that angle ended, Cole has continued to be the Heel broadcaster if you will, and it hasn't been better since. With the arrival of JR back to doing play by play week after week it seems that the golden age of announce teams are coming back. But gotta say this three man announce team just does not work! Sorry to say and you may disagree it is time for Lawler to pack up and leave the booth. Leave it up to the best in the buisness JR and our new SAVIOR Micheal Cole!
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