
Monday, February 23, 2015

What's YOUR story?

Your story is magnificent!

Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you
may be. I do hope this finds you in good spirits. I want to
Thank you for stopping by here today! Today I wanted to
ask you "What's YOUR story?"

What do I mean?

You know, that inner talk, that inner dialogue that you
have with yourself everyday. 

This is of the utmost importance!

As we are always trying to change multiple things on
the outside of ourselves, we actually need to begin
with changing the inside of ourselves.

Does your typical inner dialog or story sound similar?
"Life is so hard and cruel?"
"Why does everything have to be a struggle?"
"I never have enough!"
"I will never get ahead!"
"Why bother anymore, it's just not in the cards for me!"
"I just feel so lost!"
"I'm SO out of shape, I'm not strong enough, I can't!"
"I don't think I can do it?"
"I've tried and have failed so many times, I give up!"
"Every time I think I get ahead BAM life slams me down!"

Have you ever said any of the above to yourself? Is it 
on a consistent basis? Whether you know it or not you
are actually continuing to bring more of that into your
life! The law of Attraction states that what we think
about, we bring about. What we think on a regular basis
and with great emotion we will bring that into existence.

Now most of that concept, that law, is hard for many to
understand because it requires us to be brutally honest
with ourselves. Honest that most if not all of the many
circumstances in our life we have brought on by default.

Now many still may not want to understand that or how
it works but many don't have a real understanding of how
electricity works yet we know it's there, that it's always
at work and we get to enjoy it.

So the best way to change these unfavorable situations
is to start from within. To start having a better dialogue
with yourself and start telling yourself a better story!
Do that every single day! 

Examples could be.
"Life is a miracle and I'm ready for the gifts that await
for me today!"
"Love and Joy are all around me and I will do my part
to pass that on to everyone that I will come across!"
"I will live my truth!"
"I will never give up on my dream of encouraging and
saving someones life today!"
"I need to be the change I want to see in the world!"
"To feel more love around me I need show more love!"
"I am strong and getting stronger everyday!"
"I will overcome every challenge that is before me
as it another example to learn more about me!"

These can be great starters for you to begin today
of telling yourself a new story. To begin to bring
about more of the experiences that you want into
your own life. Whether you knew it or not these
are affirmations but there will be more of that on
another post! Have you ever said any these to 
yourself? What would you add to these? I would
love to hear about it in the comments below.

Thank you again for stopping by here today and
I'm always here to help however I can.

Remember to keep....
Living out Louder 

Don't forget about our next Challenge Group
that starts on March 2cnd!

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