
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Challenge Groups (what are they?)

Living out Louder Challenge Groups

Beachbody Challenge Groups, you've probably
have heard of them, seen alot of them maybe in
your news feed or maybe even have been invited
to be a part of one but what the heck are they?

Well for one Beachbody is the Health and fitness
company behind the most popular (and the #1
infomercials on tv) fitness programs P90X, T25,
Turbofire, Insanity, Piyo, 21 Day fix and the most
super food, dense nutrition meal replacement on
the planet Shakeology.

Beachbody Challenge Groups are the best way to
stay motivated and get in shape fast by also doing
it with a community of others who have the same
goals as you. A Challenge Group is a fun and also
exciting way to get the constant inspiration and
encouragement you need to stay committed and
achieve your fastest results. I can attest to all of
this as I have participated and as a coach ran my
own challenge groups.

Ask yourself, how many times have you started
but quit an exercise program? I have quit way too
many times in the past. Whether it was because of
having zero confidence and or the proper program
geared towards results or even knowledge on what
and how to do it. When you start a business you need
to have a success/accountability partner well it goes
for here as well. Study after study has shown when
pursuing a goal SUCCESS rates goes through the roof 
when part of a group! It's the accountability that keeps
you going when you want to jump ship!

So what are Challenge Groups?

Challenge Groups is results! 

Challenge Groups are for people that are very
SERIOUS about bringing change into their life!

Doesn't mean you're not scared, I have been
many times, we all have our days when we will
doubt ourselves but that's we're the group and
most importantly me as your Coach comes in.
When you do encounter those days we will be 
there to lift you up, to not give up, to keep going
and striving towards your goal!

If you have been following me for any length of
time you will know that my passion is helping
people. I have been studying the body and how the
human mind works for years. How we tick and to
overcome those dis-empowering habits to build
and forge new positive and life changing habits.

To developing confidence through fitness, nutrition,
and community anything is possible. In fact it is my
life's goal to help you see that impossible is possible!

That the power has been within you all along!

What are your goals? Ask me and I can help find
the right program and group for you!

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