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Good Morning, Afternoon or Good
Evening wherever you may be. Thank
you for stopping by our site today to
read our new post. I do hope that it
finds you in good spirits. Lately the
last few days I've been thinking
about A World without Heroes.
Heroes are typically defined as a
person who is admired for courage
or that has noble qualities. Now I
do have to say that you have to
follow and blaze your own path.
But I also think that there are
heroes along the way that have
been a linchpin and has catupulted
you further along the path.
I figured I should share my Heroes
and influencers that are basically
the Architects of Living out Louder.
You can view their pictures here.
Jim Ross (broadcaster)
Vince McMahon (Promoter)
Steve Holman (writer/editor)
Arthur Jones (Founder & Inventor)
Tom Baker (actor)
Tony Robbins (speaker/author)
Zakk Wylde (musician)
Ayn Rand (author/philosopher)
Mike Mentzer (author/bodybuider)
Kiss (rock band)
The Beatles (The Band)
I firmly believe too that you honor
the people that have come before
you and help the ones that are just
starting out on it along.
Your turn!
Who are your Heroes or the
influencers in your life?
How would your world be without
I want to thank you again for stopping
by here today, I do appreciate it. I do
hope that it helps you in some way
on your own journey. Never forget
that we're all in this together.
Remember to keep......
Living out Louder
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