
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fail to Plan you Plan to Fail..


     The title of this post is a saying that I tell myself from time to time. If you haven't noticed yet I'm a big sucker for sayings and quotes! They allow me to put things in a much clearer perspective and to keep my eye on the prize!

     One of the goals of the 90 Day Challenge is to remove the randomness from our lives. Instead of the I'll eat a wagon wheel and everything thing else in sight because I have barely eaten all day. And how many times has this happened to you by the way?

     Now introduce the idea that the goal of eating is to actually nourish ourselves or to refuel. Back to the question of have you ever barely eaten or just not at all till you get home, let me ask another question would you allow your car to barely run on only fumes all day? That's a pretty shaky commute at best! Not being able to drive at full power and being able to conk out at any second!
(Yes I'm big on analogies too)
This is in essence what the majority, myself included from time to time have approached their relationship to food. 

     So the idea to make Breakfast an important part of the day is a great one to reintroduce to yourself. The busy life that we are in day to day and rushing around yet not fueling up to meet the challenges ahead that face us. Our bodies have been asleep all night  with no movement and no food. Yet the body still needs protein and resources to function. In fact it eats the precious muscle for it's protein. So in the morning we are Breaking the Fast. Fuel up to kick start that metabolism!   
And remember to keep..
Living out Louder


  1. Breaking the Fast... I like that. I have a terrible relationship w/ food. I tend to eat only when I feel hungry and that may be just once a day. There isn't anything specific about food, either, I'll eat pretty much anything. It's just that food is not my first or second or even third thought of the day.

    1. Now just imagine how focused and energized you would be to start reintroducing that back into your day?
      Not to mention all the health benefits that come along with that?


Would love to know what you think! Thank You!