
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Triumphant Thursday...

     Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you may be! Thank you for stopping by today, the heat and humidity continues in the Boston area but no matter what, the show goes on! If you follow me on any of my social media sites you may have have noticed that on Thursdays I have always proclaimed it to be a
TRIUMPHANT THURSDAY! I wanted to go deeper and share just why I do, a meaning...

     Too many times we see the posting of thirsty Thursday and of a grand excuse to get inebriated, that as the week is coming to a close that its okay to let down our guard, to let down all our senses. To lose all judgement is okay.

     To me, I like to celebrate hard fought victories just like anyone else.
The big ones and the small ones are still a win. There is still much work to be done though and to cloud or mask your judgement in anyway is stalling the process. As if purposely pressing the pause button or in many cases rewinding!

     I am a firm believer that if you start something strong you will and shall finish strong. That holds true for the start of the week and near the ending of the week. That's why Sundays are my day of reflection and recharge (See previous post Taking back Sunday)

     Nothing in this life is perfect, there are days when the world may seem that its stacked against you. The one thing that is true is our outcomes are what we choose to focus on. Positive thinking is not enough, when combined into action there is no denying one that is committed!

      I want to Thank You for stopping by today and reading our post. I do hope that your day and the many more that follow are Triumphant! Anything you like to add or question about this post? Please feel free to leave them in the comments section below. We are all in this together, so
remember to keep.....
Living out Louder

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