Good Morning‚ Afternoon or Good Evening
wherever you may be. Thank You for stopping
by here today to read our new post. I do hope
that it finds you in good spirits.By todays title
and picture you may think of this as some sort of
demoned tale of possession. It is of sorts, but
we're going to touch upon ways if Cortisol ever
gets it's claws into you how we can exorcise them!
Now this is not a spirit of course but a hormone
Cheif among them is the storing of body fat.
So what are some of the ways that this hormone gets
raised? Sugar, large steady doses throughout the day, it
can be found in the energy drinks, snacks, pastries and
soda just to name a few. If it was processed and was on a
conveyor belt chances are it is filled with sugar or an artifical alternative so that it tastes good. When these large amounts of sugar enter, your Cortisol levels rise and the body has no
choice but to store it as body fat!
I want to Thank You again for stopping by here again and that I hope this has helped you in some way on your own journey. Any questions or comments on this or any of the other posts? Type them in the comments section below, we will answer them as fast as we can! We are all in this together. Sales in our Living out Louder aStore has been brisk! Lowest prices around and orders over $25 are free shipping and is powered through Amazon! Remember to keep..
Living out Louder
Good info here, it applies to me in the stress area