
Monday, October 1, 2012

Making Today Amazing!

     Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you may be. Thank you for stopping by our site today to read our new post. I say "Ours" because this is as much for you as it is for me. We are in this together!

     With that being said this was written for the start of the week and I am a firm believer that how you start is how you end. Meaning don't discard the dreaded Monday but embrace it!

     Starting the week off on a high note will carry you through the rest of the week much smoother.


     Be a little kinder, smile when no reason is given just to melt away the angered frustration that may surround you. Get your workout in, or begin the fitness routine you've been putting off. If there is anything that needs tending to for that matter get it done! Your rest of the day will be much better for it!

     We can never find time we must make time!

     Focused as a laser but allow the laughter in as well! As Mick Jagger has said "It's only Rock and Roll but I like it!"

Let's make TODAY ridiculously amazing!

     I want to Thank you for stopping by today. I do hope that it helps you in some way on your own journey. October is marking our One year since we created this site! Thank you for allowing me to write for you! A lot of great stuff is planned such as Living out Louder shirts and hats but more on that coming soon. How do you plan on making today or any other day ridiculously amazing? Always remember to keep....
Living out Louder

1 comment:

  1. Happy upcoming blog anniversary!

    from 365 Days of Health & Fitness!


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