
Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Living out Louder Manifesto

     Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you may be. I
want to Thank you for stopping by
our site today to read our new 
post. Being that October is marking
our One year anniversary in starting 
this site, I thought I'd take this as an 
opportunity to clear some things up.

    Mainly is to address exactly just
What is Living out Louder? 

A public declaration of policy and aims.
Manifest - proclamation - declaration.

So I would like to share with you,
The Living out Louder Manifesto.

Living out Louder is 
knowing that anger is weakness
and patience is true strength.

Living out Louder is
creativity, the use of your imagination
of original ideas, especially in the
production of work.

Living out Louder is
a commitment of personal growth,
A Pioneer of the future not a
Prisoner of the past.

Living out Louder is
sharing your love of life with 
friends, family and strangers that
need it the most.

Living out Louder is
adding fitness in our daily activities.
A stronger body equates to a 
stronger mind.

Living out Louder is 
eating cleaner to nourish the body.
Foods that are a power source.

Living out Louder is
community, surrounding yourself
with people that inspire.

Living out Louder is
the practice of eliminating vice
and the adoption of virtue.

Living out Louder is
a celebration of you!

 I want to Thank you again for
stopping by today and I hope
that this may have helped you
on your own journey. Is there 
anything you would like to add to 
this manifesto? What does Living
out Louder mean to you? 

     Don't forget to subscribe by
email or click on the RSS feed 
button to add to your favorite
reader so you'll never miss any
future posts or to catch up on
older ones. I've been privileged 
to have forged strong friendships
because of here and our 90 Day
Challenges. We are in this together.
Always remember to keep....
Living out Louder

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