wherever you may be. Thank you for stopping
by our site today to read our new post. I do
hope that it finds you in good spirts. I wanted
to talk today about getting things done!
What things?
What matters the most to you?!
That creative project that's been put off? More
time spent with your kids? That fitness plan
that you started but never finished?
I think the time is to elminate what is taking
up your time that really isn't that important.
Identify your time robbers!
Television, can you cut some time out?
Maybe DVR to watch later?
Eating when angered, depressed or bored?
Maybe chomp on a celery?
Checking emails or notifications?
Couldn't that wait till later on?
What are you willing to do to get what you
really want? What is The Ultimate Sacrifice
to get shit done?!
You tell me!
What are you going to do?
List them here in the comments section to
publicly declare that THIS is what I want
and THIS is what I'm going to get it done!
I want to Thank you again for stopping by
here today. I do hope that this helps you
in some way on your own journey. We're
in this together. Remember to keep........
Living out Louder
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