
Monday, February 4, 2013

Morning Mass: Monday Strong

Hey guys,
Happy Monday, it is the start of
another great week. I've always
have said and believe, how you
start is how you finish.  Start
Strong you will end strong. So
we are going to be Monday

If you were like me watching
the super bowl yesterday there
is some calories we need to
burn today.

Today's set focuses on the 
upper body which we are
going to do 4 times total.

Diamond pushups by the
way is when you have your
hands close together to
form a diamond.

The bicep and tricep moves
will help if you have a weight
whether a dumbbell or a can
of vegetables or even a gallon
of milk or juice, just don't
spill any! That would be bad!

If there are any questions
please don't hesitate to ask
in the comments below!

Hope you you'll join me on
Wednesday for our next
gathering of Morning Mass.
My wish is that each and 
every one of you have an
amazing day today!


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