
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What can you do in 90 Days? (8/1-10/31)

     Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you may be. Thank You for stopping by our site today and I do hope that this finds you in good spirits. Today is the last day of our 90 Day Challenge and as it's a time for reflection if you participated this is also a call to arms of sorts that tomorrow August 1st begins our next Living out Louder 90 Day Challenge!

      If you were one of the ones that did participate I sure hope that you did well and seen some progress. I recieved alot of emails throughout the process and was very inspired to carry on even further on my own journey of transformation. As it stands my total
body fat loss is at 36lbs. And I have much more work to do as I stated about a week ago I was thinking another 12-15 of body fat to lose but I'm now thinking it may be another 20lbs of body fat to lose. So that's my goal for the next 90 Days. Of course adding much more muscle in the process!

     Whether you participated before or not, goal setting is imperitive and tracking what your doing is just as important! If you don't know where you are you don't know where your going!

     This is not just a challenge of body fat loss it is a transformation into making yourself much better than where you currently are. To get leaner, more toned, more speed to your run for a better time and a stronger body for a record best lift. Breaking out of all plateus is attainable with some hard work.

     I encourage you and I Welcome YOU to join me starting August 1st for our next 90 Day Challenge to eat cleaner and to add more fitness into your life! We will have much more blog posts during this related to the challenge for more tips and motivation.

     Anything is possible, the goal is your sail and your actions of hard work is the wind that will push you towards your destination of transformation!

     What can you do in 90 Days? Not what would you LIKE to do but what CAN you do? Without Challenges there is no growth that is the basis of all living things. I want to hear from my friends that participated before and from the one's that will accept this challenge that starts on August 1st! If you ever have a question enter it in the comment section below or email me here, Dave's Email. I hope you'll join me and always remember to keep
Living out Louder


  1. Very motivational!! I may join you!

    1. Thank you so much Dana!! I really appreciate it! Join me? Well I hope that you will!! Lots of rewards waiting on the other end!


Would love to know what you think! Thank You!