Evening wherever you may be. I want
to Thank You for stopping by our site
today to read our new post. I do hope
that it finds you in good spirits! This
is a companion piece to last weeks
post, Questions are the Answer....
We all have the answer to what we
want or what we are looking for deep
down. Unlocking that comes in the
form of asking yourself questions.
Better questions or Quality Questions.
We are in charge of our thoughts, sowant or what we are looking for deep
down. Unlocking that comes in the
form of asking yourself questions.
Better questions or Quality Questions.
that means we are in charge of
Quality Control.
Questions, feel free to add these into
your daily routine. These could be
asked in the morning.
"What good can I do today?"
"What can I change to meet my goals?"
"Am I flexible enough?"
"What is good about this situation?"
"Can I be more understanding?"
"Am I listening or am I thinking?"
"What power words could I add?"
"What negative words could I remove?"
"Can I exhibit more patience?"
The next set could be your evening questions.
"What good did I do today?"
"Did I make someone feel acceptance?"
"Was I living in the moment or thinking of other tasks at all?"
"What did I learn about today?"
"Can I change my approach for a better
"What one thing could I be grateful for?"
These are some questions that I
try and ask myself everyday. Am I
successful in doing this EVERY DAY?
No, sometimes the challenges of the
day is allowed to get in the way. But
with that being said is allowing that
NOT to happen and make this a habit.
It sets you on a course and wraps up
your day with a feeling of accomplishment.
Do you have any Quality Questions
you ask yourself? I would love to hear
about them in the comment section
I do want to Thank You again for
taking the time to stop by today and
read our new post. Another question
I would like to leave with you is
"Am I being Engaging with others or am I just Broadcasting?" We are all in this
together. Remember to always keep...
Living out Louder
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