Good Morning, Afternoon or Good Evening wherever you may be. Thank You for stopping by our site today to read our new post. I do hope that it finds you in good spirits. I want to share a story of complacency.
I would like to think that there is parts of our lives that we could improve. That's what life is all about after all isn't it? The quest, the journey to have a chance to make today better
than it was yesterday?You said to yourself that you were going to get more fit, but stopped.
What happened?
Resistance in it its's very essence is:
The refusal to accept or comply with something.
Are you really accepting the notion
that I am what I am and there is no
changing? Are you you ready to comply
with the idea that I am too old that's its too late for me to start now?
I didn't think so..
Refuse to bow down, start inhaling resistance and win this tug of war between you and your old disempowering you.
Starting this week I will be posting
a workout of the day, a grouping of
body weight exercises to do first thing
in the morning while waiting for your
coffee to brew. This is what I have referred to as Morning Mass. I do have
a post by that name you should read.
Morning Mass will be a gathering
of our commitment to strengthen our
bodies which in turn strengthen our minds. To get our blood pumping and focused to tackle on our days!
To follow along on all updates and
the Morning Mass Workout of the Day I invite to circle me on Google Plus as that is where I spend most of my online time at. Hope to see you there!
I want to Thank you again for stopping by here today and taking the time out to read this. I do hope this helps you in some way on your own journey. What routines are you doing now? Or are you ready once and for all to start? I'd love to hear about it! We're in this together. Remember to keep...
Living out Louder
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