
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Cherished Moments of a Tunesmith..

On the fence, thinking how it could go.

The hum of a song, hemmened tight
with a tongue.

Melody, Telepathy, your blind in my mind.

Lonely notes form together,
A diminished tone.

Chosen words, ease into their chords.

A revised form, molded by motion.

Leaving the porch, to hunt with the big dogs.

I know your scent, vauge but familiar.

Soon it will become, become very clear...

Sing my little song, you are among us.

Real as could be, I now share you with the world.

The Cherished Moments of a Tunesmith....

Living out Louder


  1. your words are so subtle but real. worth meanings more than what the world could ever understand. priceless words that ease the soul, words that can make any woman fall in love.

  2. These are just more than words, they are deep feelings. Succinctly chosen. Words that make one want to move forward and reveal their beautiful composition to the world. A tunesmith is a genius who carefully crafts musical masterpieces. Takes true talent and when they are ready they expose the melody to all drawing them in by the beautiful sound.


Would love to know what you think! Thank You!