Hey guys, it's Wednesday, hump day
is here and let's get to it. First go
get your coffee brewing then get
your 2 glasses of water and take
your multi-vitamin and fish oil
or whatever else son you won't
forget. Repetition is the mother
of invention. Warm up by doing
some stretches.
Always talk to your Doctor before
starting any fitness program!
Today's Morning Mass© routine
we'll be starting with jabs as your
doing a boxing jab always protect
your gave with the other hand.
Then we'll go into kicks go as
high as you can alternate each leg
then right into Squats. Squat down
as if your sitting in a chair, thighs
parallel with the floor, then rise
back up. The last movement will
be upper cuts. Almost like the jab
but thrusting towards the ceiling.
As with the jab protect your face
with your other hand.
Do 20 reps of each.
Try and do this set 2-3 times.
Then go enjoy your coffee and
your breakfast.
Hope you have a kicking day
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