Good Morning, Afternoon or Good
Evening wherever you may be. I want
to Thank you for stopping by our site
today. I do hope that it finds you in
good spirits. Today's post is our 2012
year in review and moving forward
into 2013 and beyond.
Lots of changes and shake ups have
happened. Our site really picked up
steam when I introduced my 90 Day
Challenge to the public back in May.
A Challenge that I started in Feburary
and as of this writing have lost a total
of 48 pounds of bodyfat.
Have forged a lot of friendships because
of that and with a ton of emails and
private messages of their own body
transformations have been nothing
short of inspiring!
Where my little blog / website was
being hardly viewed at all in the
first few months of 2012 has now
been viewed in every major country
in the world. From Brockton, MA
to Israel, India, Australia, Germany,
and Sweden, Greenland and to all
parts in between. To be able to reach
and talk to so many different people
is amazing. Never dreamed that could
be possible. For that I thank you!
The tail end of 2012 has also seen the
end of my marriage. 20 years and
the towel has been thrown in. For
both of us to continue to evolve and
be happy, this had to happen. Endings
only happen so new bolder and braver
beginnings can start.
What has not worked for you this year
to reach and get closer to your goals,
discard it and look for a brand new
approach. I believe, what you choose
to focus on comes back to you!
Moving Forward 2013
Will see the start of the 90 Day Challenge
come January 1st. (More on that this week)
A permanent address to call home, also
I think I may have told only one person, but
hope to also finish a planned e-book. To
also get certified in one on one personal
training and group training. Lots of great
things coming up on the horizon and am
excited to get those realized.
Most of all will be to also get to know you
much more, after all we are in this together!
How was your year? And moving forward
what are you excited about the most
for 2013?
Remember to keep....
Living out Louder
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