
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Demolish the Doubt

A theme here at Living out Louder is
to look our fears in the eye and go
beyond them. Despite them, we will
champion on. A saying I have is DTD
or Demolish the Doubt. It is Fear and
Doubt that can hold us back from
the endevours waiting for us to
take on.

Demolish the Doubt,
that's within you.

Demolish the Doubt,
that others put upon you.

Demolish the Doubt,
placed by the past.

Demolish the Doubt,
it is what it is.

Demolish the Doubt,
that you are too old.

Demolish the Doubt,
that you are alone.

Demolish the Doubt,
that the world is dark.

It is not dark, and you are not
alone. Our struggles are the 
same but it's also the vibrations
of love that unite us.

Do me a favor, when fear steps
in front of the direction you are
heading in again, that is doubt.
Doubt makes you pause or even
backtrack. Do me a favor and 
Demolish the Doubt!

Remember to keep.....

Living out Louder

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