Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening wherever you may be. Summer has finally arrived with some very hot days here and across the country. In America we are about to celebrate Independence Day on the Fourth of July. This has made me think on a much more personal and individual level.
As many of you may know by now I'm big on quotes and Daily Affirmations for not only inspiration but motivation to stay on the path that at times can be so easy to veer off course without even knowing it. Have you ever noticed that or has it happened to you? You set out to make a new goal for yourself and get really excited about it only to find out days maybe weeks later you somehow didn't stick with it? Was it an all out very abruptly I give up or just little by little we talked ourselves out if it? Did the excitement of a new Challenge, or Goal wear off? Typically it will, it's up to us to keep that fire alive reminding yourself what it will feel like when this Challenge and Goal is over with.
That's the beauty of words, the ones we choose to use each day can either derail us or to empower us to new heights! This quote from Deepak Chopra has resonated with me on an almost daily level, it is..
"When tempted to react in an old manner ask yourself: Are you a Prisoner of the Past or are you a Pioneer of the Future?"
When I read that it had such an immediate impact on me! Images of being chained to the floor unable to break free, a place that I refuse to be yet knowing this, We are the captor, we are imprisoning ourselves!
Independence day for each and every one of us! I would like to think we can choose to celebrate our own personal victories over challenges no matter what they are! I love to think that we are blazing a new path. On our new frontier that we are Pioneers of the Future!
I am very Grateful for you taking the time to visit our site today to read this post. I do hope that it has helped you in some way as it has me.
Although I have always said we are where you are and we am,but in an effort to cut down on time spent in the digital world the majority of my online activity (social media) is now on Google Plus. I hope you'll join me there, if so, feel free to circle me! Sales have certainly picked up in our Living out Louder aStore, the top three categories being Vitamins, Protein and Fat-Burners. Stock up now before your monthly supply is all gone! Your Smile is amazing and
you will never know just how much it lights up the world to the person next to you!
Until next time, remember to keep...
Living out Louder

As many of you may know by now I'm big on quotes and Daily Affirmations for not only inspiration but motivation to stay on the path that at times can be so easy to veer off course without even knowing it. Have you ever noticed that or has it happened to you? You set out to make a new goal for yourself and get really excited about it only to find out days maybe weeks later you somehow didn't stick with it? Was it an all out very abruptly I give up or just little by little we talked ourselves out if it? Did the excitement of a new Challenge, or Goal wear off? Typically it will, it's up to us to keep that fire alive reminding yourself what it will feel like when this Challenge and Goal is over with.
That's the beauty of words, the ones we choose to use each day can either derail us or to empower us to new heights! This quote from Deepak Chopra has resonated with me on an almost daily level, it is..
"When tempted to react in an old manner ask yourself: Are you a Prisoner of the Past or are you a Pioneer of the Future?"
When I read that it had such an immediate impact on me! Images of being chained to the floor unable to break free, a place that I refuse to be yet knowing this, We are the captor, we are imprisoning ourselves!
Independence day for each and every one of us! I would like to think we can choose to celebrate our own personal victories over challenges no matter what they are! I love to think that we are blazing a new path. On our new frontier that we are Pioneers of the Future!
I am very Grateful for you taking the time to visit our site today to read this post. I do hope that it has helped you in some way as it has me.
Although I have always said we are where you are and we am,but in an effort to cut down on time spent in the digital world the majority of my online activity (social media) is now on Google Plus. I hope you'll join me there, if so, feel free to circle me! Sales have certainly picked up in our Living out Louder aStore, the top three categories being Vitamins, Protein and Fat-Burners. Stock up now before your monthly supply is all gone! Your Smile is amazing and
you will never know just how much it lights up the world to the person next to you!
Until next time, remember to keep...
Living out Louder
Deepak Chopra has a way of getting right to the point. I like his work and try to follow his lessons. Hmm...prisoner or pioneer? I can see an essay out of this question. =)
ReplyDeleteDoesn't he Dee? I've tried to apply myself quite a few of his lessons as well..
DeleteOooo.. I would like to see this essay if you end doing one!!