
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Energy Creates Energy: How to get more of it!

     Good Morning, Afternoon or Good
Evening wherever you may be. I 
want to Thank you for stopping by 
site today to read this. I do hope it
finds you in good spirits. Today I 
wanted to talk about energy and
getting more of it but not in the
usual way.

Sure I could list the obvious ways
of getting more energy. Such as 
eating cleaner, getting exercise
and more water intake. 

But no. 

Now by all means, keep doing 
all of the above! This will add 
more to your amount of output.

The aspect of getting more 
energy I want to focus on is
brought upon by a physical
nature. One of my favorite
sayings, I have many, is this.

Energy creates Energy..

When you start moving, you
literally start a chain reaction
inside of your body. A cascade
of cells and molecules are 
bouncing of one another.

Your stuck writing an update
for your blog.. that idea your
mulling over turns into days
then turns into weeks.

Put your pen to paper! Or in
other cases, fingers onto your
keyboard! Just the very act of
moving and doing leads to
other ideas. Write out what
comes to your mind! Refine
it later!

Same goes for mulling over 
whether to workout. Just get
yourself there. Do your most
favorite routine. Just to get 
going, that momentum will
carry you forward!

Food for thought, go on the
other end of the spectrum.
Ever have a lazy Saturday 
and all you did was lay on 
the couch all day and you
ask yourself "why am I so

Need more energy? Get
yourself moving!

Energy creates Energy!

I want to Thank you again
for stopping by here today.
I do hope it helps you in
some way on your own
journey. What are some 
ways you use to have more
energy? Also I'm looking
for anyone interested in
perhaps guest blogging on
here. Like to write a post?
Let me know below by
entering in the comments
section. Remember to keep...

Living out Louder

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