
Thursday, October 11, 2012


Good Morning, Afternoon or Good
Evening wherever you may be.
Thank you for stopping by our site
today to read our new post. I do
hope that it finds you in good spirits.
Todays post is with running with
the Triumphant Thursday theme.

Where it's a siren that there is a
little bit of the week left and we
want to finish it off strong.

That takes ownership.

Own up to the choices that we
have made good or for bad.
It is done and over with.

Own up to the choices that you
want to make. Your descion
on how you want the rest of the
day and the rest of the week can
be made right now!

Own up to the fact that although
outside forces can interfere in
some way, you have the choice
on how to deal with them. Most
of the time it's all a matter of

Isn't it all about, we just want our
views, thoughts and concerns
validated as being important to
the person across from you?

Take ownership of your day or
your day will take ownership
of you!

I want to Thank you again for
stopping by here today. I do hope
that it helps you in some way on
your own journey. Will you take
ownership of your day? What are
some of the ways you have done
that? Remember to keep.......
Living out Louder


  1. I'm loving the idea of Triumphant Thursday! You posted a pic in Instagram about it, and it started my day off right! Thanks!


    1. Thank you so much, that's great to hear! I really appreciate it!
      I plan on running that as a theme on Thursdays from now on! Have great day!



Would love to know what you think! Thank You!